Powder Brows Gift Voucher
250,00 €”Puder obrvi” je tretma pri katerem se za izris uporablja Permanent Make up mašinico. Rezulat pa je pudrast videz obrvi – videz zasenčenih obrvi.
Tehnika je primerna za kandidatke, ki si želijo bolj dramatičen videz obrvi ter za kandidatke z mastno ali zrelo kožo.
“Powder Brows” is a treatment that uses a Permanent Make up machine to draw soft brows. The result is a powdery eyebrow look – the look of shaded eyebrows. The technique is suitable for candidates who want a more dramatic eyebrow look and for candidates with oily or mature skin. -
Microblading Gift Voucher
199,99 €Microblading je tretma vrisovanja obrvi, kjer se izrisuje vsako dlačico posebej, kar zagotavlja 100 % naraven izgled. Razliko med naravnimi in vrisanimi dlačicami je skoraj nemogoče opaziti.
Primeren je predvsem za kandidatke, ki nimajo dovolj svojih dlačic, želijo dopolniti svoje obrvi ter želijo naraven videz le teh.
Microblading is treatment where each hair is drawn separately, ensuring a 100% natural look. The difference between natural and drawn hairs is almost impossible to notice. It is especially suitable for candidates who do not have enough of their own hair, want to complement their eyebrows and want the natural look of these. -
PMU Lips Gift Voucher
150,00 € – 250,00 €S permanentnim senčenjem bodo vaše ustnice izgledale bolj podarjene in polne.
PMU Lips je za vse tiste ki želijo korekcijo linije ustnic.
Nežnejši vnosi pigmentov za doseganje bolj naravnega videza in svetli odtenki začnejo bledeti po približno 10-12 mesecih, bolj intenzivni vnosi in temnejši odtenki pa po približno 18 mesecih._____________
With permanent shading, your lips will look fuller.
PMU Lips is for all those who want correction of the lip line.
Softer pigment inputs to achieve a more natural look and light shades begin to fade after about 10-12 months, and more intense inputs and darker shades after about 18 months. -
Brow hair strokes Gift Voucher
300,00 €Brow Hair strokes je kombinacija tehnik Microblading in Powder Brows kjer s postopnim izrisom dobimo razmrščen “look” obvi.
Ker so dlačice risane z napravo namesto z rezili je tehnika bolj obstojna.
Brow Hair strokes is a combination of Microblading and Powder Brows techniques, where we get a funky “look” brow with gradual drawing.
Since the hairs are drawn with a device instead of blades, the technique is more durable. -
Hair strokes Gift Voucher
199,99 € – 500,00 €Vris lasne linije je postopek podoben Microblading tehniki.
Z mehkimi rezili prijaznimi do kože vnesemo poseben pigment in izrišemo tanke lasne dlačice.
Primeren postopek za stranke ki si želijo polnejše lasne linije.________
The drawing of the hairline is a process similar to the Microblading technique. With soft, skin-friendly blades, a special pigment is introduced and thin hairs are drawn out. A suitable procedure for clients who want a fuller hairline.
PMU Eyeliner Gift Voucher
130,00 € – 229,99 €S permanentnim eyelinerjem boste poudarili svoje oči in izgledali brezhibno ves čas. PMU Eyeliner je za vse tiste ki želijo na videz gostejše trepalnice ali optičen privzdig veke in s tem pogleda
Možno je vrisovanje eyeliner črte, tanke, debele in senčene, tako na spodnji kot na zgornji veki.
Nežnejši vnosi pigmentov za doseganje bolj naravnega videza in svetli odtenki začnejo bledeti po približno 10-12 mesecih, bolj intenzivni vnosi in temnejši odtenki pa po približno 18 mesecih.
With permanent eyeliner, you will emphasize your eyes and look flawless all the time. PMU Eyeliner is for all those who want thicker looking eyelashes or an optical lift of the eyelid and thus the look
It is possible to draw an eyeliner line, thin, thick and shaded, both on the lower and upper eyelid.
Softer pigment inputs to achieve a more natural look and light shades begin to fade after about 10-12 months, and more intense inputs and darker shades after about 18 months.
PMU Removal Gift Voucher
199,99 €PMU Removal je ne-laserska oblika odstranjevanja pmu ali microblading tretmaja. Idealen je za tiste, ki so nezadovoljni s svojimi rezultati zaradi razbarvanja, neenakomernih črt ali pa želijo drugačen videz. Običajno je potrebnih več tretmajev za najboljše možne rezultate.
Ko so serije tretmajev končane bo koža potrebovala nekaj časa da si opomore.
PMU Removal is a non-laser form of pmu removal or microblading treatment. It is ideal for those who are unhappy with their results due to discoloration, uneven lines, or want a different look. Usually, several treatments are needed for the best possible results.
After the series of treatments are finished, the skin will need some time to recover.